卢员外大闹本阿里球场 国外网友:克罗地亚国防部长卢卡西奇


Zero_Kai(西班牙球迷):卢卡库是克罗地亚的地下工作者吧。(Lukaku is secretly croatian)

M_Vid(克罗地亚球迷):罗梅鲁-卢卡西奇。(Romeo Lukačić)

Bobskeee(英国球迷):克罗地亚国防部长。(Croatia's Minister of Defence)

East_Wind17(未知主队球迷):他或许能再次统一前南斯拉夫。(Man probably capable reunite Yugoslavia once more)

sidaeinjae(韩国球迷):考虑到他的表现和比赛重要程度,这或许是他人生中最差的一场比赛了。(In terms of both his performance and the importance of the match, this may actually be the worst game of his life)

RocketMasterAmit(未知主队球迷):应该是到目前为止,最差的比赛。(Worst game of his life...so far.)

Hsjak500(拜仁球迷):他难逃其咎,但你只能为他感到难过。(It's obviously his fault now, but you just gotta feel bad for him lol)

SailorsGraves(切尔西球迷):绝对没有(笑哭)!(Absolutely not ?)

FrankBeamer(利物浦球迷):我一点不为他难过,我觉得特有意思!(I don’t at all lmao. This is hilarious)

TheNarrator23(纽卡斯尔联球迷):这哥们把自己吹得天花乱坠,我们有什么资格同情人家。(Man talked himself up too much for people to feel bad for him.)

zi76(切尔西球迷):肯定不会。这小子到哪都是过河拆桥。(Definitely not. The man has burned his bridges everywhere.)

PoloVonChubb(科隆球迷):听说有人买他花了1个亿。(Someone once paid 100 million for this guy)

Nyazuyi(切尔西球迷):绝壁不会是我们。(Could never be us /s)

datcnashguy(曼联球迷):格瓦迪奥尔全场最佳(MotM, Man of the Match),卢卡库全场之驴(DotM, Donkey of the Match).(Gvardiol MotM Lukaku DotM (Donkey of the Match)

MatGuaBec(智利天主大学队球迷):亨利的表情说明了一切。(Henry's face says it all)

normott(枪手球迷):听说亨利是这么安慰他的:“都是你自己一个人的错。”(Someone said Henry is consoling him like "It's your own fault")

FootmanFrenzy(荷兰球迷):亨利:我的前锋教练生涯怕是完了。(Henry: My striker-coaching career will never financially recover from this)

avolcando(热刺球迷):“我知道你需要个拥抱但我真的不想碰你。”("I know you need a hug but I really don't want to touch you rn")

SergioRammus(多特蒙德球迷):“可能会传染。其他进攻球员也染上了,最好离他远点儿。”("maybe it's contagious. the other attackers seem to have it, too. better not get too close.")

TheLifeofSonny(澳大利亚球迷):令我意外的是他准确地砸中了替补席的玻璃窗。(surprised he got that punch on target)

robert1811(澳大利亚球迷):提高了他的期望命中率。(That'll help his xP (expected punches)

GordoPepe(阿根廷球迷):事实上他瞄准的是玻璃窗后面那个哥们。(He was aiming for the guy behind the glass)

LampardFanAlways(英格兰球迷):或许他没打算真打。(Maybe he wanted to miss that

